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Vino12 12 Bottle Led Wine Cooler Black

Vino12 12 Bottle Led Wine Cooler Black


Available from  MiniFridge


Product details - P the vino12 12 bottle led wine cooler black is a high quality 33l modern and contemporary designed tabletop wine display fridge'. '.strtoupper('t')his advanced compressor driven wine cooler is fully automatic, practical and versatile to your needs'. '.strtoupper('p') p this wine cooler also features a security lock and key to keep all your favourites safe at no extra cost'! '.strtoupper('t')he design of the vino12 is highly versatile and fits well into any surroundings'. '.strtoupper('t')hanks to its high presentation factor and quiet operation 35db this advanced 33l wine display fridge is suitable for use in any room at work or at home'! '.strtoupper('p') h3 energy efficient h3 p the vino12 is equipped with advanced thermoelectric technology cooling for optimum performance'. '.strtoupper('i')t is a very economical fridge with an impressive energy consumption of only 92 kwh annum'. '.strtoupper('p') h3 digital touch thermostat h3 p control the temperature easily with the external digital display thermostat'. '.strtoupper('s')mart touchscreen controls give you an adjustable temperature range of 5 18°c'. '.strtoupper('p') h3 led light h3 p an internal led light to display your wine collection inside which can be left on or off'. '.strtoupper('i')t gives you a clear view meaning fewer chances of accidents, especially when accessing in the dark'. '.strtoupper('p') h3 flexible storage h3 p the ultimate compact wine cooler'. '.strtoupper('i')t comes with a removable chrome wire shelves unit'. '.strtoupper('y')ou can also store 12 75cl bottles vertically which is ideal for open wine bottles'. '.strtoupper('p')

MiniFridge -

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