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Adam Audio A4v Active Studio Monitor Pair White

Adam Audio A4v Active Studio Monitor Pair White


Available from  Gear4music


Product details - The adam audio a4v active studio monitors are compact dual amplified loudspeakers with proprietary x art tweeter and rotatable hps waveguide technology'. '.strtoupper('b')uilt to deliver unrivalled sound reproduction with immense attention to detail and spatial separation the adam audio a4v active studio monitors pair uses cutting edge technology and the finest components in the world to achieve this'. '.strtoupper('a')dam audio has set a new benchmark in the monitoring world yet again'! '.strtoupper('u')tilising a new custom 4 inch resonant mlm multi layer mineral fibre woofer a specialised midrange driver and the now iconic x art tweeter the a4v delivers unparalleled transparent sound reproduction capturing every nuance of your source audio'. '.strtoupper('l')eaders in innovation adam audio constantly pushes the boundaries of monitoring and the a4v is no exception'. '.strtoupper('y')ou can fine tune your sound with the utmost control thanks to the new rotatable hps waveguide technology and onboard dsp digital signal processing to optimise your sound reproduction in any space'. '.strtoupper('t')he ultra wide frequency response combined with the flexible fine tuning capabilities makes the a4v the new flagship studio monitor for the a series'. '.strtoupper('o')ne of the most prominent new features is the introduction of voicings'. '.strtoupper('e')ach voicing provides you with a pre defined sound profile that allows you to adapt to any situation'. '.strtoupper('t')here are three voicing options including unr uniform natural response pure and ext'. '.strtoupper('y')ou can also enjoy ideal for mid to large spaces the a4v delivers a monitoring experience like no other providing the utmost sonic accuracy with exceptional audio fidelity.

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Adam Audio A4v Active Studio



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