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Arturia Matrix 12

Arturia Matrix 12


Available from  Gear4music


Product details - The arturia matrix 12 v is a powerhouse matrix synthesiser with extreme patching capabilities and a distinctly warm analog tone'. '.strtoupper('a') meticulously authentic model of the iconic oberheim matrix 12 no matter the fusion of styles you work with the matrix 12 delivers powerful sounds with the thick warm oberheim tone to capture attention with ease'. '.strtoupper('a')t the heart of matrix 12 v is its namesake patching matrix'. '.strtoupper('o')ffering 27 modulations sources and 47 destinations the matrix 12 v can sound like virtually any other analog polysynth from the 80s'. '.strtoupper('s')imply patch a source to a destination and it will begin to modulate in expressive and dynamic ways transforming your sound beyond recognition'. '.strtoupper('a')ll this in combination with 15 filter modes and five envelopes makes for a veritible power house synth'. '.strtoupper('s')triking the perfect balance between authenticity and modern convenience the matrix 12 v captures all the behaviour of the original analog circuitry with meticulous detail while providing users with a range of powerful contemporary features that grant this classic synth with previously impossible flexibility'. '.strtoupper('t')he interface is given a new look with every parameter within easy reach'. '.strtoupper('p')lus enjoy more modulation built in fx and a multi mode that gives you more control than ever'. '.strtoupper('p')lease note this product comes in the form of a digital download code that will be sent to your email for activation.

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Arturia Matrix 12



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Wholesale and Trade - Product Search and Price Comparison - For Event and Leisure Related Businesses