For event and leisure



The following activities and organisations are exempt from requiring a Premises Licence for the provision of late night refreshments:

1. Alcoholic hot drinks or hot drinks containing alcohol (although consent to sell alcohol will still be required).
2. Hot drinks distributed by a machine that is operated solely by the customer.
3. Hot food or hot drink supplied free of charge, where there is also no charge for admission to any premises, or for some other item to obtain the hot food or hot drink.
4. Hot food or hot drink supplied by a registered charity or by a person authorised by a registered charity (i.e. a charity which is registered under the Charities Act 1993 or a charity not required by he Charities Act 1993 to be registered).
5. Hot food or hot drink supplied on a vehicle, which is not permanently or temporarily parked at the time.
6. Hot food or hot drink supplied to members and guests of recognized clubs that hold a Club Certificate.
7. Hot food or hot drink supplied to hotel and bed and breakfast guests.
8. Refreshments in staff canteens where the staff are required to work between 11.00pm and 5.00am.




Important step  
Regulations are in place to protect the public from risks.
Find out more

Food safety
What to expect and how to comply with food regulations.
Find out more 

Hazard analysis
What is it and how to prepare one.
Find out more

Licensing laws
After hours trading laws apply to you.
Find out more

Insurance cover
Required by law.
Find out more

Roadside trading
Store fronts and travelling to events outside your area.
Find out more

Local councils
Find your local environmental health department.
Find out more


The information provided here regarding the licensing laws has been simplified and made relevant to mobile catering businesses only. Laws and regulations change often and we strongly advise that you contact your local council if you anticipate that any of your business activities will fall within the above mentioned criteria or you are in any way uncertain.

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